
Spring Boot Documentation Bot - GEN AI / RAG Bot

Spring Boot Documentation Bot - GEN AI / RAG Bot

Documentation bot powered by an LLM using @langchain4j to swiftly find answers to your Spring Boot questions. It provides easy browsing of Spring documentation and leverages the RAG technique to retrieve relevant details on demand.

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Herb Classifier - AI APP : Parsley or Coriander ?

Herb Classifier - AI APP : Parsley or Coriander ?

A simple web application that classifies images of coriander (Qazbor) and parsley (Maadanous) herbs using a deep learning model built with DeepLearning4j.

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Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot with DDD - Product Discount Service

Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot with DDD - Product Discount Service

A practical demonstration of Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles for a dynamic Product Discount Service. This project emphasizes clean code, testability, and architectural best practices.

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Store App With Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Kubernetes and AWS

Store App With Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Kubernetes and AWS

A practical sample store, built with spring frameworks, kubernetes and deployed on AWS. This is an advanced part based on my previous project demo-microservices in which I am focusing on security concerns, resiliency, observability and deployment improvements.

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Tasks Planner App

Tasks Planner App

A minimalist collaborative app for scheduling and managing your tasks with the team and getting notifications through discord.

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